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Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« : 17 Сентября 2010, 00:53:29 »
 Взято с Shefftunes.tk
Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night", aired on September 9th, 2010 on ARD TV-channel [Translate by The-Flying-Dutchman, some correction by DJ Hooligan.tk]
Ina: = Ina (The Mod)
HP: = H.P. Baxxter

(Ina is wearing white platform shoes)
Ina: HP, did you ever see such shoes? I remember the time they were In you were about to start Scooter
HP: It's almost 17 years ago, and No. I do not remember shoes like this, it seems I missed something. (ironical)
Ina: What would you like to drink?
HP: As it is quite late now I would like to order a Vodka-RedBull.
Ina: You are already drunken, aren't you?
HP: Yes, we already had our beer.
Ina: You are drinking Vodka-RedBull before the show, aren't you?
HP: Yes, it is kind of our pre-show backstage ceremony, listening to loud music and drinking 2 or 3 glasses of this one and then you are in the right mood to go on stage and make party.
Ina: If I would drink this amount of Vodka-RedBull you do I would miss the lyrics or muddling up the songs. Did this ever happen to you?
HP: Sometimes it happens, sometimes I do not know the lyrics anymore but normally this happens not with hits, i.e. "Hyper Hyper". You could wake me up at 3AM and I would sing you the entire track without mistakes. It was our first hit so I would not forget the lyrics.
Ina: It is kind of sad that peoples reduce to songs like "Hyper Hyper" or "Maria"...
HP: ... and "How much is the Fish?"!
Ina: Oh, totally forgot this track.
HP: I think we can be very happy as we have more than one hit peoples know. There are bands who made only one hit and those bands get reduced to this song only. Ok, sometimes we get reduced to "Hyper Hyper" but fortunately we have more hits.
Ina: How many hits did you produce until present time?
HP: It depends on the definition of "a hit". Regarding Top 10 hits we got 22 so far but not all of them are as concised as "Hyper Hyper" or "Maria".

Ina: Let us talk about the young H.P. Baxxter! You are from Leer aren't you? Do you speak the east frisian accent?
HP: Only a little bit, my parents teached me standard german.
Ina: When you told your parents you want to make techno music, how did they react?
HP: Well, they thought I am crazy. I was finishing my secondary school exam and my mum said she wants me to learn a classical job and all I said was: No, I wanna go to Hannover to become a singer. My mum usually answered: Yeah, exactly, Hannover is waiting for Hans-Peter Geerdes from Leer. I responded: EXACTLY!
Ina: But it was a long time to show your parents that you are a "Hyper Hyper" guy
HP: It took a very long time, we started with a band called "Celebrate The Nun", a strange name.
Ina: You had to wait 8 years for Scooter how did you stayed alive with no money as CTN was not successful?
HP: First of all, we founded CTN in Hannover and we produced demos. At this time I was a huge fan of the new wave style, Depeche Mode and bands like this. Finally we had a record deal and I thought that's it, now we take off!
Ina: But how did you earn your money when been without success?
HP: During the time of CTN I works as a Business man for dental stuff.
Ina: Do you have some funny stories of the time you worked as a Business man?
HP: Not really, I used to be bored in this job, I had only the music in my head when working as a Business man.
I had support from Leer, my mum used to send me bottles filled with meat but normally I did not eat it. After a very long time the locker (in which I stored the glasses) looked like a biologically collection locker.

Ina: After a long time you founded Scooter. How did this happen?
HP: After the failed success of CTN I worked at the music record company "Edel" in Hamburg and I did meet Jens Thele, our manager. He said: you had a studio in Hanover, would you do some remixes? First I was not very convinced about the idea but we tried it and it worked. As it was successful we began to produce "Hyper Hyper", our first official song.
Ina: Was your music already called Techno?
HP: Yes it was techno. At this time I was all around Germany to visit raves.
Ina: What about the success of Hyper Hyper?
HP: When we entered the charts we were very happy and we celebrated this in a greek restaurant. But finally my peoples had to carry me out of the restaurant as I was way too drunken. Shortly after the success of "Hyper Hyper" the boss of Edel came to us and asked for more but I still wasn't convinced as I thought "Hyper Hyper" will be a one-hit-wonder. The boss than made a deal, he said: "I will pay you as usual but go into the studio and produce a new track" and I said: "Thats a deal!".
This lasted for another 2 years because after the success of our 2nd and 3rd single I still thought we will be not successful in the long future but when we released the 4th track I released that this could work and I stopped working for Edel.

Ina: Would you say you are a macho?
HP: mhhh, not really ... ok sometimes I am.
Ina: Isn't it difficult to be Scooter (fail!) regarding your groupies and your wife?
HP: It is kind of true. in the past I got presents from the boss' of the clubs we played at. One day, after a gig, the boss of a club came to me and said. "H.P., I got a present for you" and I was very curios. We went into the backstage room in which a girl was sitting and all the boss said was: "H.P., this is Almut!" ;-)
Ina: Seems to be difficult, it is uncool in two ways: You can not say "yeah Almut, Hy, be mine" but it is also uncool to say: "thank you but take Almut with you"
HP: I tried to talk with here and it was a very humbling beginning but after a while we had a great conversation as well as a great night.

Ina: Now I am asking you questions from our audience
1. Where comes the name "Baxxter" from?
HP: One of my teachers called me H.P. all the time and I liked this name. One day we had to write down our wishes for the future regarding what job we wanna have and I wrote "Singer" and a girl asked me what my name will be. I said, H.P.! She asked about the family name and I said "I do not know" and she said: "Just name you Baxxter" and I found this a great idea.
Ina: Why do you write Baxxter with two x's?
HP: Because Geerdes is written with 2 e's!
Ina: Ah, what a smart man!

2. What is your favorite scooter song?
HP: "Call Me Manana"! because we have the most pyro on stage when playing this song.
Ina: You have kind of a battle with Rammstein regarding the pyros?
HP: Yes, but Till of Rammstein is much crazier as I am as he sets himself on fire. But one the last concerts we had rockets flying across the audience, that looks very cool.
Ina:  The unique thing about the live shows is that you are firing up pyros all the time, from the very beginning of the concert till the end.
HP: Yes this is true. At our last show we had kind of a gag. Long before the show was starting we fired up 2 epic atomic booms. Later on peoples told me that this booms scared the peoples, they drop their beers and throw cola over the head of their neighbors as the peoples were very frightened about this 2 atomic booms. This was so cool!
Ina: How often do you talk to you mom by phone?
HP: about 2 time a week
Ina: Is you mum visiting your concerts too?
HP: Yes she used to be on the concerts too.

3. Did you grandmother ever visit one of you concerts?
HP: No.

4: Would you perform a gig on the "Musikantenstadl"? (Musikantenstadl is a well known tv show, presenting folks music)
HP: YES I would! I have kind of a touch for this kind of music as my father used to listen to it. Once we drove to Spain with some friends in a VW Beatle and created a cassette for the journey and to shock my friends I foisted a folks music song between the techno song and you know what: We liked it a lot!

5: How often do you bleach your hair?
HP: Every 2 weeks, in the studios.

6: What your dream girl?
HP: Simone, my wife!

7: What person do oyu wanted to meet once in your life?
HP: Richi Blackmoore, from Deep Purple.
Ina:  What would you say to him?
HP: I do not know. I often had the offer to meet him but I was scared. You know,, Richi was kind of a hero for me, kind of an idol and I was scared to become disappointed when meeting him. So I always said no the the offers.

Оффлайн Champion

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #1 : 17 Сентября 2010, 11:07:48 »

Оффлайн ScooterjekA

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #2 : 17 Сентября 2010, 14:15:24 »
Немного не по себе, когда читаешь, что у Скутера было такое шаткое начало, что всё могло рухнуть в любой момент и не было бы сейчас группы.
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Оффлайн Agent_Orange

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #3 : 17 Сентября 2010, 15:30:27 »

Оффлайн Raver

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #5 : 17 Сентября 2010, 19:47:58 »
Та же фигня :)

Оффлайн TimerHan

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #6 : 17 Сентября 2010, 19:57:16 »
Да не беспокойтесь ребят,англоязычные ребята переведут,у нас без перевода вы не останетесь!

Оффлайн Raver

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #7 : 17 Сентября 2010, 20:15:45 »
Да не беспокойтесь ребят,англоязычные ребята переведут,у нас без перевода вы не останетесь!
Дело не в этом.

Оффлайн Agent_Orange

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #8 : 17 Сентября 2010, 21:23:23 »
Тут есть товарищи, которые и на английском поймут, а перевод это дело времени.

Оффлайн AcidMan

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #9 : 17 Сентября 2010, 22:44:31 »
Моя политика проста: английский должны знать все :) Поэтому отсутствие перевода осудить не могу. C'est la vie.
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Оффлайн [albaross]

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #10 : 18 Сентября 2010, 03:40:29 »
Взято с Shefftunes.tk
« Последнее редактирование: 18 Сентября 2010, 03:47:11 от [albaross] »
Однажды студент спросил у Д.Э. Розенталя:
- Скажите, как пишется слово «пох*й» — слитно или раздельно?
- Если это характеристика моего отношения к Вам, молодой человек, то слитно. А если обозначение глубины великой еврейской реки - то раздельно.

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #11 : 18 Сентября 2010, 09:01:35 »
Спасибо за перевод:)

Оффлайн Raver

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #12 : 18 Сентября 2010, 10:19:06 »
Спасибо за перевод.

Оффлайн Champion

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #13 : 18 Сентября 2010, 18:08:33 »
А мне понравилось, особенно про сравнение с Rammstein.

Оффлайн Alpha-Oleg

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #14 : 19 Сентября 2010, 18:43:46 »
« Последнее редактирование: 19 Сентября 2010, 18:48:36 от Alpha-Oleg »

Оффлайн Noob Saibot

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #15 : 19 Сентября 2010, 19:44:29 »
Чё они на седину будут смахивать ? Он красит краской определённого тона (Платиновый Блондин) . А я иногда мыслю, чтоб Эйч в чёрный или тёмно -русый покрасился. Жесть будет. Ну а хотя ему можно не краситься в тёмный цвет. Если он долго не будет краситься   в белый , то у него и так волосы тёмные будут. У него ведь оригинальный -природный цвет волос тёмный... брюнет он вобщем.

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Оффлайн Alpha-Oleg

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #16 : 19 Сентября 2010, 20:27:33 »
У него ведь оригинальный -природный цвет волос тёмный... брюнет он вобщем.
А фоток старых нигде нет случайно?

Оффлайн Noob Saibot

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Re: Interview with H.P. Baxxter on "Ina's Night"
« Ответ #17 : 19 Сентября 2010, 20:39:35 »
По крайней мере я не встречал. Он об этом в одном из интервью говорил и да-же грит толком не помню какой у меня настоящий цвет волос.  в журнале Тусовочка было опубликовано данное интервью в одном из выпусков за 2000 -2001 год.

Brotherhood of the Shadow